My sweet baby girl is now a one year old and she is getting sassy! She can take a few steps but for the most part refuses to walk without someone holding her hand. Her first word was "blast off" it's not totally understandable but she yells it out whenever we count backwords with Hundley. And she fake laughs alot

Grandma Pete and the b-day girl..

Cake! More please!

Liking the card...

Loving the money! Thanks G-ma!

Everyone who knows Norah knows she loves babies and she thinks she is big enough to tend them.

A strange guest arrived in disguise on a fourwheeler with a pink balloon tied to it.....

She LOVES balloons!!

party people

And just one year ago, this cute little peanut arrived....and life will never be the same!! She loves her family and we love her SO much!! Happy Birthday my little Norah Jo!