Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Big Belly


Ashley E. said...

OMG.. you are too cute!

whitaker said...

You are too cute pregnant! I have to agree with you about the 2nd and 3rd tri's But I also must let you know that you will start to fell SOOOO SQUESHED and so sick of being pregnant (that is where I am) but it must be that way or else we would be pregnant forever.

Jamie and Brady said...

Adorable! And you don't look too bad either...j/k. I love those onesies by the way. Let us know which ones you buy so you don't end up with doubles.

Amy Lou said...

LOVIN your belly mama!! Congrats on the baby boy.. HOW EXCITING :) Where are you guys living these days?? Still in L-town?!

SMILES2ALL said...

Hey I just ran into your blog from AnnMaries I just wanted to say congrats on your pregency and good luck!! Lindsee (Barnes) Haney

thejudkins said...

Hi. Yes I am a blog stalker. I was excited to see you have a blog though. Congrats on having a little Casey (scary!). Bridget, you look just like abby in the 2nd pic. You look awesome. I am so jealous of people who don't gain 20 pounds in their arms when they get pregnant like I do. However, Casey, you do look like you have put on a little weight.